Hencken, Hugh O'Neill, 1902-1981, Papers


Hencken, Hugh O'Neill, 1902-1981, Papers

Papers include generalresearch materials relating to 1971.Hencken's research focused on early bronze helmets of Europe and the Aegean andthe bulk of the papers relate to the Duchess of Mecklenburg archaeological collectionfrom Magdalenska gora. The Earliest European Helmets

32 boxes


SNAC Resource ID: 6386064

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Hencken, Hugh, 1902-1981

http://n2t.net/ark:/99166/w6xs7dth (person)

Hugh O'Neill Hencken was born in New York City on January 8, 1902, the son of Albert Charles and Mary Creighton O'Neill Hencken. He spent his youth in Pennsylvania, and went to Princeton University in 1920. He graduated from Princeton with an A.B. in 1924 and went on to Cambridge University to receive a B.A. (1926), an M.A. (1929), and his PhD in archaeology in 1930. Hencken received numerous honorary degrees from institutions that included Cambridge University and the National Univ...